Don’t Hesitate to Talk to Us! 773-933-6020

To Our Patient:

Thank you for choosing Goodhealth Home Care, Inc. as your home healthcare provider. The following information is provided to help you during the period that we are providing care in your home. Keep this booklet where it can be easily found, and inform those close to you (relative, neighbor, etc.) of its location. As state and federal regulations change, there may be additions or changes to this booklet as necessary. Our policy and procedure manual regarding your care and treatment is available upon request for your viewing at the agency office at any time during normal office hours.

Goodhealth Home Care, Inc. (GHHC) is licensed by the State of Illinois, has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Home Care Accreditation, and is a fully insured home health agency. GHHC has a full professional staff to provide medical care visits to your home, as your doctor has ordered, to assist you with your recovery as you progress toward a normal, independent way of life. The service by our staff will decrease as you recover, with the number of visits determined by your needs and your doctor’s recommendations.

Our goal is to provide comprehensive intermittent care to patients in their homes to promote the highest and best level of independent function and reduce the effects of illness, accident or disability. The primary concern of our caregivers is to improve the patient’s quality of life in a home environment among family, friends and familiar surroundings. We believe in the patient’s right to self-determination and participation in decision-making about the care provided.

Our Philosophy

Goodhealth Home Care, Inc. subscribes to the concept of health defined by the World Health Organization as: “…a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.”

To this end, the agency is committed to providing a high performance of health care essential to the improvement of a patient’s physical and psychosocial condition. At the same time, we recognize and respect the broad base of patient rights, in all care and service delivery, and the need to effectively conduct alternate business and direct care activities related to this care in an ethical manner.

Goodhealth Home Care, Inc. continually seeks new ways and means of being responsive to the ever-changing community health needs. An adjustment to this concept is the essential role of evaluation of the agency’s services ar applied research in improving those services. The agency’s Board of Directors will develop a mission and vision statement based on the above philosophy All staff will be educated regarding the above, and ongoing monitoring occur to assure that the agency’s mission is sustained over time.

Our Mission

Goodhealth Home Care, Inc. has a mission to provide the highest quality. safe and cost-effective delivery of home health care services to patients in need of those services. With a compassionate and caring environment, we will provide quality health care for persons of all races, creeds, nationalities and socioeconomic backgrounds.

As we continue to grow, our commitment and efforts are centered on providing superior care and therapeutic, preventive, and rehabilitative services to our clients, their families, and the community. Through the collaborative efforts of the administrative, clinical, and medical staff governing body, we will always strive for improvement to meet the needs of our patients. We will take pride in our work, which will be the key to our success in fulfillment of our mission. The services provided by Goodhealth Home Care, Inc. include skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, medical social services, and home health aide. Our agency and staff will make every effort to serve your health care needs in the most caring and efficient manner that is possible.

We are dedicated to patient’s satisfaction and in delivery of quality care. Your participation in this process is encouraged, and we hope that you will not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, problems, comments or suggestions for improvement. We will welcome your call and value the time that you commit to the advancement of excellence and quality.

The staff of Goodhealth Home Care, Inc.

If you have any questions or inquiries, please give us a call at 773-933-6020. You can also send us a message through our Contact Us page.